Founder Krystal Persaud visits Minneapolis!

Founder Krystal Persaud visits Minneapolis!

Krystal Persaud (Grouphug), Gabe Ruegg (MCAD)


Krystal Persaud (Grouphug), Gabe Ruegg (MCAD)

On Wednesday, February 6th, Founder Krystal Persaud visits the Minneapolis College of Art & Design (MCAD) to talk about her journey in product design, sustainability, & the importance of making the things you wish existed a reality. She got to sit down with several design classes and deep dive into discussions about the environment, ethics, and manufacturing.


Top questions from students:

  • What do you do when you feel like giving up?!

  • What are the most important factors to consider when designing a sustainable product?

  • How do I find a job that aligns with my personal values?


It was a very energizing trip! We always love visiting schools & hearing from young designers. Thank you Gabe Ruegg & the school for inviting us to come visit! Can’t say we will miss the -10 degree weather though…

If you are interested in having Krystal speak at your school, contact us here.

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