Solar Tech meets Creativity at SXSW

Solar Tech meets Creativity at SXSW

We had a blast hosting two Solar Panel workshops at SXSW last weekend!

We had packed rooms of participants measuring solar cells, assembling circuits, and dreaming up wacky solar inventions for the future. Founder Krystal Persaud talked through the history of the grid, the battle of the currents between Edison & Tesla, and how the science behind solar panels works.

At the end of the workshop, there was a Solar Design Challenge. Taking what they learned about solar energy, participants sketched out their dream off-grid products. People came up with brilliant ideas, from solar-powered puppy vests to solar-powered beer coolers. The most creative idea from each session won a free Grouphug Solar Frame.

Special thanks to our workshop volunteers: Andy Bruno, Davey Newton, Amy Nguyen, and Grace Davila.

Interested in organizing a Solar Panel workshop for your own organization? Drop us a line here.


Measuring the voltage of a polycrystalline solar cell.

Measuring the voltage of a polycrystalline solar cell


Founder Krystal Persaud explaining different types of solar tech


Sketching out a solar umbrella concept.


Reviewing and judging the most creative ideas from the Solar Design Challenge.

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